When Ubisoft Montreal decides to recreate a living, breathing environment they do it in the most authentic way possible: they live the experience. Mid-way through an Introduction Trailer Ubisoft released today, Far Cry 2's Art Director had this say:
"Far Cry 2 takes place in Africa - so we went there. But we wanted the real Far Cry experience, so no hotels for us. We stayed in the wilderness, with the animals. We visited savannas, woodlands, jungles, we came back with over 7 gigs of pictures, dozens of hours of HD footage, and a truly terrifying story of lions in our camp at night - an experience that I truly would not want to live through ever again. But when we came back, and realized what we had and applied it to the game, we knew that it was all worth the effort."
Ubisoft Montreal looks to have an incredible sequel in the works for the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC this fall. Check out the full Introduction Trailer below courtesty of GameTrailers. Roarrrr.