Lionhead Studios and Microsoft Game Studios have just announced the first Fable II Premium Downloadable Content.
Starting in mid-December 2008, the Knothole Island content pack will be available for download through Xbox Live Marketplace. This premium download will include new quests as well as various new items and characters that will be encountered. The Knothole Island premium download will cost 800 Microsoft Points
In addition, those who download the premium pack will also be able to download a free pack to allow co-op gameplay within the Knothole Island content. To engage in co-op gameplay with a player who has already downloaded the Knothole Island content, gamers will need to download this free pack.
Those who download the premium and free content will receive in game gifts, including Knight’s Boots, Assassins Gloves, a special Weight Loss Potion, collectible silver book and more. Fable II gamers will also be able to view their standing in over 50 new Leaderboards on Lionhead.com.
In addition to this upcoming Fable II DLC, Lionhead Studios and Microsoft Game Studios have created an Albion dashboard theme to celebrate the New Xbox Experience. This theme is available now for 250 Microsoft points.
For details, you can visit www.lionhead.com/fable2.