Canadian Studios Honoured in Hot 100 Game Developers List

The heat is on in the games development world. At least according to Edge-Online, there are 100 great minds to be reckoned with this year. Titled "The Hot 100 Game Developers of 2009", the online magazine's exhaustive list of gaming glitterati is a veritable "who's who" of awesome talent du jour. Many names, like Cliff Bleszinski, Will Wright and Sid Meier are by now familiar to console & PC fans. There are many less notable names, although a quick comb through the list should unearth several people who have had a hand in the creation a few of your all-time favourites.

There's healthy representation by Canada games studios too. Some of the companies and developers mentioned (and their ranking) include:

EA Black Box
80. Scott Blackwood, Executive Producer

EA Montreal
76. Chris Ferriera, Lead Designer
68. David Rutter, Lead Producer (EA Canada)

Radical Entertainment
57. Eric Holmes, Lead Designer

Ubisoft Montreal
55. JC Guyot, Creative Director
42. Jean-Pascal Cambiotti, Lead Designer
29. Clint Hocking, Creative Director
4. Trent Ward, Creative Director

54. Dan Tudge, Director and Executive Producer

Check out the entire list in all its name-dropping glory.