The challenge posed to the LittleBigPlanet community was to design, create and share a custom made golf course, with the top 9 holes declared the Official LittleBigPlanet Golf Course. Not only that, but the winners can bask in the glory of owning their very own (and über rare) SackBoy crown.
Well, with the submission phase finished, it's now time for all you SackBoys and SackGirls out there to vote for the winning courses. All you have to do is fire up your copy of LittleBigPlanet, search for golf levels (Canadian entries will be prefixed with this text: "LBPGolfCA"), and finally *heart* your favourite levels. Media Molecule will then select the 9 winning holes from eligible levels that get the best ratings between April 14 and April 27. Of the 9 holes, two will be selected from Canada submissions. Full contest details can be found on the Playstation Canada website here.
So what exactly does a LittleBigPlanet golf level look like? Well, this: