In these tough economic times, good gaming deals are becoming much more frequent and appealing in terms of the deal being offered. In the past few months EB Games Canada has had some great deals and for the month of April they are advertising another series of very good promotions which they are calling their Game Days. Majority of these promotions are valid from April 5th to May 2nd.
Some of the highlights are:
PS3 Deals:
Socom Confrontation (w/Headset) - $39.99 ($20 off)
End War - $19.99 ($40 off)
Metal Gear Solid 4 - $29.99 ($20 off)
Rockband Special Edition Bundle - $99.99 ($40 off)
Xbox 360 Deals:
Prince of Persia - $39.99 ($25 off)
Condemned 2 - $19.99 ($20 off)
Mass Effect - $9.89 ($20 off)
Rockband Special Edition Bundle - $99.99 ($40 off)
Other Deals:
2 for $8.00 - Buy any 2 used games, price range from $4.99 - $7.99, for $8.00.
2 for $5.00 DVD movies- Buy any 2 used DVD movies for $5.00
Get 3 used XBOX (version 1) games for only $25.00 with the purchase of a used XBOX (version 1 only). Each used XBOX game must be $14.99 or less.
2 for $20 - Buy any 2 used games, price range from $9.99 - $14.99, for $20.00
2 for $30 - Buy any 2 used games, price range from $15.00 - $19.99 for $30.00
2 for $40 - Buy any 2 used games, price range from $20.00 - $24.99 for $40.00
$5.00 of Selected Used Best Sellers
Selection will change weekly. See store associate for details.
Save 25% off of Used Accessories
Save 25% off of used Guitar Hero Software and a Guitar Hero Guitar when a purchased together.
Get 5 used PS2 games for only $50.00 with the purchases any new or used PS2 console. Each used PS2 game must be $19.99 or less.
For more detail, check out the EB Games website.
Some of the highlights are:
PS3 Deals:
Socom Confrontation (w/Headset) - $39.99 ($20 off)
End War - $19.99 ($40 off)
Metal Gear Solid 4 - $29.99 ($20 off)
Rockband Special Edition Bundle - $99.99 ($40 off)
Xbox 360 Deals:
Prince of Persia - $39.99 ($25 off)
Condemned 2 - $19.99 ($20 off)
Mass Effect - $9.89 ($20 off)
Rockband Special Edition Bundle - $99.99 ($40 off)
Other Deals:
2 for $8.00 - Buy any 2 used games, price range from $4.99 - $7.99, for $8.00.
2 for $5.00 DVD movies- Buy any 2 used DVD movies for $5.00
Get 3 used XBOX (version 1) games for only $25.00 with the purchase of a used XBOX (version 1 only). Each used XBOX game must be $14.99 or less.
2 for $20 - Buy any 2 used games, price range from $9.99 - $14.99, for $20.00
2 for $30 - Buy any 2 used games, price range from $15.00 - $19.99 for $30.00
2 for $40 - Buy any 2 used games, price range from $20.00 - $24.99 for $40.00
$5.00 of Selected Used Best Sellers
Selection will change weekly. See store associate for details.
Save 25% off of Used Accessories
Save 25% off of used Guitar Hero Software and a Guitar Hero Guitar when a purchased together.
Get 5 used PS2 games for only $50.00 with the purchases any new or used PS2 console. Each used PS2 game must be $19.99 or less.
For more detail, check out the EB Games website.