Best Buy's Nintendo Guarantee

By Andrew Shin

Today I happened to be partaking in some internet window shopping (or browser shopping as I like to call it)...something that I enjoy doing from time to time just so that I can drool and dream about the myriad of 'cool' merchandise I either can't afford or fit into my ever shrinking budget.

One of the stops along my browser shopping route was Best Buy Canada's website. On the main page, I spotted an interesting promotion involving Nintendo products. The promotion is a Nintendo in-stock guarantee.

The guarantee states that will issue $10 Best Buy digi-dollars if the following Nintendo products are not in-stock for purchase on the website:

- Nintendo Wii Console
- Wii Fit with Balance Board
- Nintendo DSi
- Mario Kart with Wheel (Nintendo Wii)
- Punch Out! (Nintendo Wii)

There is no mention of how long this promotion will last, but the site does offer the following info:

'Best Buy reserves the right to end this promotion without notice. One $10 digital dollar voucher per household. This offer only applies to listed select products, does not apply to bundled promotions, or additional items. Best Buy reserves the right to limit quantities of products sold per household.'

Either way, this ultimately becomes a win-win situation for the consumer. High demand Nintendo products available for purchase online and if not, get $10 to spend online at

For more details on this promotion, visit the website.