By Paul Hunter
Gaming deals. I love them. You love them. We all love them. You'd be a fool to think otherwise.
Whenever I am sad, gaming deals cheer me up. Whenever I am feeling alone, gaming deals provide rejuvenating company. In summary, gaming deals are the panacea to cure any affliction, no matter what the scope. Yes, even that bastard of a recession that is plaguing our times is no match for the cost cutting gaming deal blade.
Beg for mercy regular prices, your time has officially expired. Want proof? Just look at this smattering of deals:
Best Buy
Infamous $69.99 with free strategy guide
80 GB PS3 with Rachet and Clank and Socom with Bluetooth headset $399.99
60GB 360 with Gears 2 $299.99
XBOX 360 Wireless Controller Game Bundle $69.99 with Viva PiƱata Trouble in Paradise and Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts and a wireless controller.
DSi with the golden compass game $199.99
Wii $259
EA Active $64 (save a freakin' dollar!)
UFC:Undisputed $68
Toys R Us
Buy a Wii console, get one of Mario Tennis/Pikmin/Donkey Kong JB for 1/2 price
20% off all regular priced 360, PS2, PS3 and PSP software and accessories.
For a full list of this week's flyer deals, check out Princess Zelda's post on the Cheap Ass Gamer forum.
Gaming deals. I love them. You love them. We all love them. You'd be a fool to think otherwise.
Whenever I am sad, gaming deals cheer me up. Whenever I am feeling alone, gaming deals provide rejuvenating company. In summary, gaming deals are the panacea to cure any affliction, no matter what the scope. Yes, even that bastard of a recession that is plaguing our times is no match for the cost cutting gaming deal blade.
Beg for mercy regular prices, your time has officially expired. Want proof? Just look at this smattering of deals:
Best Buy
Infamous $69.99 with free strategy guide
80 GB PS3 with Rachet and Clank and Socom with Bluetooth headset $399.99
60GB 360 with Gears 2 $299.99
XBOX 360 Wireless Controller Game Bundle $69.99 with Viva PiƱata Trouble in Paradise and Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts and a wireless controller.
DSi with the golden compass game $199.99
Wii $259
EA Active $64 (save a freakin' dollar!)
UFC:Undisputed $68
Toys R Us
Buy a Wii console, get one of Mario Tennis/Pikmin/Donkey Kong JB for 1/2 price
20% off all regular priced 360, PS2, PS3 and PSP software and accessories.
For a full list of this week's flyer deals, check out Princess Zelda's post on the Cheap Ass Gamer forum.