Alright PS3 owners. If you already haven't noticed, the PSN has reduced the price on a number of its very popular PSN games. You may want to check them out soon as this is a limited sale that will end on July 23rd (next Thursday).
The discounted games include:
WipEout HD - was $19.99, now $14.99
Flock! - was $14.99, now $7.49
Savage Moon - was $9.99, now $4.99
Crash Commando - was $9.99, $4.99
PixelJunk Eden - was $9.99, now $4.99 (Fantastic price)
Brain Challenge - was $9.99, now $4.99
3 on 3 NHL Arcade - was $9.99, now $4.99
Take advantage of these fantastic deals while they're still available.