Yesterday was X'09, Xbox Canada's annual preview event for media and devoted community members. At the event Microsoft facilitated an interview between me and Global News to discuss the heated holiday season console wars.
During our roughly 10 minute chat, I gave the Global reporter a rundown of what I feel are the strengths and weaknesses regarding all three platforms, and a global perspective on this generation of consoles.
While I knew only a small portion of our conversation would end up landing on the 6pm and 11pm news, the one quote I was hoping they would use wound up being the one selected for the news report. So, I couldn't be more pleased.
It's a great video, and certainly asks a question I'm sure is on a lot of gamers' minds -- which console is going to dominate the sales charts in Q4 of 2009? I have my opinion, we'll see if it pans out in January.
Here's the link to the Global News video clip: Console Wars
(or click the image above)