Happy Holidays from everyone here at NextGen Player. While you're busy breaking in your new Christmas consoles and games keep in mind that there are plenty of gaming deals all week long across Canadian retailers. Hoping to get Assassins Creed 2 but got Astro Boy: The Video Game instead? Don't fret, there are plenty of hot titles on sale this week (including AC2!)
Full list of deals after the break.
Dec. 26 only: CoD MW2 $29.99 (PS3/360)
Dec. 26-27 only:
Dragon Age, Brutal Legend, NFS Shift, NHL 10 $39.99 each (PS3/360)
Fable II, Halo 3, Gears 2 $19.99 each
360 Elites $249.99 (excluding CoD bundle)
All PSP 2000/3000 bundles $149.99 each
XBOX Live Messenger Kit $69.99
360 Wireless controller $44.99
360 Elite Holiday bundle $269.99
Live 12-month $49.99
360 Wireless Adapter $69.99
360 Vision Camera $39.99
Wii Remote $39.99
Wii Motion+ $19.99
PS3 BR Remote $19.99
PS3 USB 2.0 & Cables $44.99
Rogers Plus
$14.99 used games:
Section 8
Bionic Commando
Raven Squad
RB Metal Track Pack
Singstar Queen
$29.99 used games:
Red Faction Guerilla
Tekken 6
Forza 3
Beatles RB
Fifa 10
Halo 3 ODST + Gears 2 used $40
AC2 + CoD MW2 used $60
75% off all used PS2 games
50% off all used Wii games
50% off all used PSP games
$19.99 new games:
Halo Wars
Gears 2
Halo 3
Fable 2
$39.99 new games:
Mario Kart Wii
Wii Sports Resort
Uncharted 2
Shaun White Road Trip
Tekken 6
$49.99 new games:
Batman AA
NHL 10
Dualshock3 + GH game bundle $49.99
50% off ALS Game Traveller bag and Wii Speak
Future Shop
XBOX 360 Pro 20GB - $179.99
Playstation 3 160GB with Uncharted, Killzone, and inFamous - $299.99
Nintendo DSi - $149.99
Dragon Age Origins (Xbox 360) - $39.99
Assassin's Creed (Xbox 360 or PS3) - $14.99
Street Fighter IV (PS3) - $19.99
Prince of Persia (PS3) - $14.99
Quantum of Solace Blu-Ray - $9.99
Best Buy
360 Elite Holiday bundle $239.99
Sony 160GB Playstation 3 with Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time, & LittleBigPlanet: Game of the Year Edition - $299.99
Nintendo Wii Console - $179.99
Wii Sports Resort - $39.99
$39.99 Video Games (inc. Left 4 Dead 2, Assassin's Creed 2, Dragon Age: Origins, Batman: Arkham Asylum, and Brutal Legend)
$29.99 Video Games (inc. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare GOTY Edition, Tekken 6)
$19.99 Video Games (inc. Gears of War 2, Grand Theft Auto IV, Metal Gear Solid 4, Spore)
$14.99 Video Games (inc. Afro Samurai, Madworld)
X-Men Blu-ray - $24.99
$9.99 Blu-rays (inc. Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Good Will Hunting)
$6.99 Blu-rays (inc. Ocean's Thirteen)
$4.99 DVDs (inc. American Gangster & the Lord of the Rings Movies)
RCSS (West)
$10 "value video games" (limit 6 per customer). Flyer shows Oblivion PS3, Lego Batman Wii, Stuntman 360.
Nintendo Wii - $179.99
Mario Power Tennis, Wii Pikmin and Wii Donkey King - $14.99 each.
Uncharted 2, LittleBigPlanet GOTY Edition, Resistance 2 - $34.99 each
Fable 2, Gears of War 2, Halo 3, Halo Wars - $19.99
Xbox 360 Elite holiday bundle 2009 - $259.99
Video game accessories - $6.99 (Includes HDMI cables, Wii Sports kit, PSP cases and much more)
The Source
360 Elite Holiday bundle $260
Up to 90% off select games
Toys R Us
All $19.99 value games $16.87
DS Lite bundle: includes 2 $19.99 games, 1 $29.99 game, 2 $4.99 accessories, and a DS Lite for $160
PSP 3000 Core $149.97
Dual Shock 3 $34.97 with purchase of $300 PS3
Hannah Montana PSP Pack $139.97
360 Elite Holiday bundle $269.97
Uncharted 2, LBP GOTY, Ratchet $44.97 each
Halo 3, Halo Wars, Fable 2, Gears 2 $19.97 each
25% off all Wii/DS/DSi accessories (excludes clearance and points cards)
Cars Race-o-Rama, Marvel Superhero, Spongebob Truth or Square $24.97 each
New SMB DS, Mario 64 DS, Mario & Luigi Inside Story $24.97 each
New SMB Wii $49.97
Wii Sports Resort $44.97
70% off Warner Brothers Blue rays & dvds (25 titles to choose from)
50% off some games including Assassins Creed 2, Avatar, Shaun White, rabbids go home, just dance
Xbox 360 Elite Holiday bundle $250
$20: Gears of War 2, Halo 3, Halo Wars, Fable 2.
$69.99 Wii Fit Plus Board + Game
$129.99 PSP Core
$49.98 PS3 Dual Shock
120GB PS3 Slim + Infamous and Batman AA $300
XBOX 360 Holiday Bundle $250
DS Lite $110
PSP 3000 Black + Family Guy Blue Harvest $150
Assassins Creed 2, Brutal Legend, NFS Shift, Tekken 6 $40 each
Wii Fit Plus (Software) - $14.83
25% off All Video Games under $20
Dec. 26 only
Tony Hawk Ride $99.99
Used Nintendo DS Lite $54.99 (with purchase of two used DS $20+ games)
Used Wii $89.99 (with purchase of two used Wii $20+ games)
Used PSP-1000 $54.99 (with purchase of two used PSP $20+ games)
Dec 26-28
Prince of Persia 2008 - $9.99
Dissidia FF PSP - $19.99
Dec 26-31
PS3 250gb w/ free Little Big Planet GOTY and God of War Collection - $349
Dec 31 Only
Rock Band: AC/DC $1.99
Dates unknown
Mad World $19.99
Fable II $19.99
Halo 3 $19.99
20% off everything (in-store and online)
SiG (in-store)
DSi $100
PSP Go $150
360 Wireless Adapter $40
Factory Direct
2 refurbished 360 controllers $40
Source: Cheap Ass Gamer