Remember how the founders said there would be a free video game perk for every G-List member in mid-February? While it seemed too good to be true, a founder of the site whom calls himself "Mister C" gave further evidence of the perk via a cryptic message last week.
It seems details of the free game perk have gone live on and while it's a bit different than anticipated, it is without question happening. The question is, according to Mister C, "are you on the list?"
For those Canadian gamers clever enough to unlock the codes to enter, inside the Perks section of the G-List member area now displays the following card:

An official thread started in the forum by thisAI, the website's "artificial intelligence" administrator, says that the final requirements for the perk may change before Monday.
The codes are redeemable through to February 16th. While it was previously stated in the leaked memo NextGen Player obtained that the codes will not work for limited editions, thisAI said "it is not known at present if the free game codes will work for limited editions or pre-orders," leaving this aspect open-ended.
Addressing concerns from community members that the free game perk was originally stated to be for "all active G-List member", thisAI had the following to say:
"250 total is for current redemption period. A maximum of one game per member per year as there will be another redemption period in coming months."
Furthermore, to reward the most active G-List members with the free game perk, thisAI added:
"A split will occur in this current redemption period based on level to assure the perk to those most active while still allowing opportunity to those coming up. If members do not attain the perk in this current period, the following period(s) will occur for those who missed the first."
Like all the other perks on the website, the free game perk is Canada-only.