Well, well, just when I was about to write a quippy article about how it's still insanely difficult to find a Wii Fit on store shelves this post happened. I guess that means what I'm about to say has a little more relevance.
Nintendo of Canada have announced a promotion on their website, in partnership with Kellog's, where you can find a $10 off Wii Fit coupon inside specially marked packages of cereals. It appears the qualifying cereal brands are Special K, All Bran (mmm, bran!), Guardian, and Vector.
Apparently the coupons expiry on February 28, 2010, which is a crazy long time away. Since it normally takes me about six months to get motivated to leave the couch, I think I'm good. Better yet, I won't have to figure where the heck I can buy the darn game now that I know Best Buy's got me covered.
And hey, instead of costing you an arm and a leg, you can keep your leg. Trust me, you'll need it during all those sweaty free run jogs!