In case you haven't noticed, NextGen Player is a proud media sponsor and partner for this year's Montreal International Game Summit - MIGS 2009. Last year our very own Paul Hunter was there and he was able to conduct some fantastic interviews with the likes of Jonathan Blow (creator of critically acclaimed XBLA game Braid) and Alain Lachapelle (event Director) as well as hang out and make friends with the one and only Donna Mei-Ling Park...so Paul, when do I get introduced eh??? We also shared exclusive gameplay footage of WET which was featured at the conference.
This year, MIGS 2009 looks to be just as good as last year with an impressive line up of guests and speakers. Most notably Yoichi Wada, President and CEO of Square Enix. Both Paul and I will be shipping off to Montreal in mid November to attend MIGS 2009 - taking place on Nov. 16th and 17th at the Hilton Bonaventure Hotel Montreal. We're really looking forward to covering the entire event and bringing back some great content to share with our NextGen Player readers.
That's said, we know there are some hardcore gamers out there who are planning on being there in person as well.
So, ARE YOU GOING TO MIGS 2009? If so, let us know...who knows, we may run into you.
Not sure how to register for MIGS 2009? You can do so here.